Thursday 3 November 2011

Trade union want to have shorter strike notification times

The Finnish trade union Pro wants to have shorter strike notification times to Finland. Currently, the notification time in Finland is 14 days, whereas in EU it is 3 days and in seven member countries of EU, the notification time does not exist. Finland has the tightest notification times in European labor market (in Finnish, tyƶmarkkina) standard.

Pro wants to have either the notification period to be reduced to a fair condition, or then have big sanctions to employers when they violate the employees’ right to strike. According to Pro, it is hard to follow 14 days notification time, since employers have used this time to infringe the right to strike. Pro members have been pressured to leave the union, to move upper positions and train outsiders to do their tasks.

For example Forest industries federation has repeatedly accused the staff strikes illegal. The collective agreement of paper industry officials expired on 04/01/2011. After that strikes have been legal. The strikes have enormous affect on companies. Problems pile up day by day, and to strike is more and more expensive for the employers. Due to shortage on the staff and the errors made by unqualified personnel start to accumulate, which is reflected to the quality of work.

According to Pro, in the moment of strike the employers have transferred the work abroad, brought person from abroad to work in Finland, and invited the summer workers to do the job of people on strike. The worst is, however, to put the pressure on individual officers mentally during the 14 days notification period.

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