Thursday 3 November 2011

Survey on European working hours provides input in Finnish discussion

Finnish confederate trade unions feel it is important to include international and European perspectives in discussion about working hours. There are obvious international trends in working hours and arrangements, and it is beneficial to recognize Finland’s situation in comparison to other countries. For this reason, confederate trade unions have arranged a workshop on the topic of working hours to look into Finnish and European working hours.

At the seminar, the Research Director of Eurofond, Greet Vermeylen, comprehensively presented the results for Finland and other EU member countries from the survey conducted by the foundation. The central sources of information for the foundation are the surveys it conducts: the European standard of living survey, the European standard of working survey and the corporate survey.

In the survey conducted by the foundation, topics that were covered were the length of working days, the different types of work time arrangements and how commonly used they each are, the use of work time, and how people balance work and private life. During the last decade, work times have diversified throughout Europe and also in Finland. At the same time, there are huge differences between different countries which are the result of both labor (in Finnish: työelämä) markets and cultural differences.

The information derived from the survey is a result of answers provided by citizens and employees, corporate human resources directors and employee (in Finnish: palkansaaja) representatives.

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