Tuesday 27 December 2011

Productivity is Gone

Everyone is talking about productivity. It seems to be the new black when talking about working morales, business hours or even showing up at work vs. doing work from home.

Productivity and flexibility should not be mixed. Productivity is the indicator of the amount of actual result oriented work is being done by someone. That has got nothing to do with remote working or doing well at work. Of course, everything is related to each other. Usually people who are not feeling good at their workplaces tend to be unproductive, too.

Productivity is also being measured in a more serious way. In a way that indicates the dark years ahead. At the moment we are approximately 13% below the targets on productivity regarding EVA’s survey. This means almost 150 000 ”lost” work hours. Lack of productivity can always be seen in the profitability of companies. Productivity therefore reflects many parts of society and can even be seen affecting pensions. Something should be done. Biggest ‘firefighters’ here are the labor unions. STTK frame agreement did well and is steering our economy towards the right track again.

We should work our hard to get our export rolling again. The most important thing is to keep the Finnish costs relatively low, which was made possible for the next couple of years with the frame agreement. However, we should look at, for example, Germany where Angela Merkel managed to get the biggest companies and all the employees to agree on her frame agreement. We should maybe learn something from Angela.

Productivity is so much more than numbers. Productivity is the mental state of a human being. An employee (in Finnish: palkansaaja) finds it hard to be productive when under a constant pressure. Economic crisis may be the trigger for many employees to feel stressed and unsure about the future. All companies should invest in many fields when the economy starts sliding. One of the things should definitely be the people working for the company. The cost of first letting personnel go and then re-hiring when the economy kicks in is enormous. It also has a great impact on the atmosphere at work which reflects directly productivity.

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