Tuesday 11 October 2011

The salary increase agreed for social welfare and health employees in Finland do not occur

TEHY, the Finnish trade union (in Finnish, ay-liike) representing qualified health care professionals, social workers and students of these professions in both the private and the public sectors in Finland, signed an agreement with the employers’ representative on 2007. This contract is to last until the end of the year 2011 and regulates the labor (in Finnish, työelämä) of social and health care areas.

In the agreement, TEHY and employers agreed about the increases to the social and health care staffing salaries, if the amount of employees in the field will decrease. These increases are not to happen, as the amount of social and health care workers has been raising. According to the Statistics Center of Finland, during the years 2006 to 2010 a bit less than 7000 new employment contracts have been signed in social and health care sector. This amount was stated also by the negotiation partners both from employees and employers side.
In the last trade union negotiations, the salary increases of social and health care professionals were analyzed thoroughly and included in the four-year agreement. If the number of employees would have been reduced, salary increases would have occurred for TEHY trade union members of the extra work done with less resources.

The increase of employees in social and health care sectors means that more workforce has been received in units where there has been a need for personnel. According to TEHY, this increase of workforce has a positive effect on their members' working conditions and work well-being. The trade union members of municipal area also received an extra increase for their salary from the other agreements.

TEHY is one of the largest unions in Finland. Established in 1982, it has currently over 150,000 members. TEHY campaigns for improvements and development in the Finnish health and social care and wants to influence in the education and labor force policies. It negotiates and bargains the collective agreements of terms and conditions of work. Representing the interests of its members is the most important task of TEHY.

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